manyti angliškai
manǁýtiveiksmažodis / verb
(galvoti, mąstyti) think* (of, about);
ką̃ tù ~aĩ apiẽ jį̃?
(ką tu manai apie jį?) - what do you think of / abóut him?• what do you think of / abóut him?
kaĩp jū̃s mãnote?
- what do you think (of it)?• what do you think (of it)?
~aũ, jū̃s teisùs
(manau, jūs teisus) - you are right, I dare say• you are right
• I dare say
~aũ, kàd nè [taĩp]
(manau, kad ne [taip]) - I believe / suppóse not• I believe / suppóse not [so]
àš ~aũ, kàd jìs sàvo dárbą atlìks laikù
(aš manau, kad jis savo darbą atliks laiku) - I think / suppóse / believe he will do his work in time• I think / suppóse / believe he will do his work in time
m., kàd reĩkia
(manyti, kad reikia) - find* it nécessary• find* it nécessary
mẽs mãnome, kàd...
- we are of this opinion that...• we are of this opinion that...
reĩkia m., kàd...
(reikia manyti, kad...) - it is to be suppósed that...• it is to be suppósed that...
klaidìngai m.
(klaidingai manyti) - be* únder a delúsion• be* únder a delúsion
tìk tù taĩp ~aĩ
(tik tu taip manai) - speak for yòursélf• speak for yòursélf
léisti m.
(leisti manyti) - implý• implý
mẽs mãnome, kàd jìs sąžinìngas žmogùs
- we think him an hónest man• we think him an hónest man
(ketinti) have* the inténtion (+ to inf; of + ger.) inténd;
ką̃ ~aĩ darýti?
(ką manai daryti?) - what do you inténd to do?, what are you abóut to do?• what do you inténd to do?
• what are you abóut to do?
Lietuvių anglų žodynas