nustoti angliškai
nustóǁtiveiksmažodis / verb
(netekti) lose*
n. kantrýbės
(nustoti kantrybės) - lose* pátience• lose* pátience
(liautis) stop;
leave* off;
give* óver
amer. šnek.
;(pamažu) cease
lietùs ~jo lìjęs
(lietus nustojo lijęs) - the rain has stopped• the rain has stopped
~kite kalbė́ję!
(nustokite kalbeję!) - stop tálking!• stop tálking!
~kite triukšmãvę!
(nustokite triukšmavę!) - stop that noise!; hold your noise!• stop that noise!
• hold your noise!
(nustok(ite)!) - cut it / that out!; none of that!• cut it / that out!
• none of that!
n. ką̃ mylė́jus
(nustoti ką mylejus) - fall* out of love with smb• fall* out of love with smb
n. dìrbus
(nustoti dirbus) - cease wórk(ing)• cease wórk(ing)
n. rūkýti
(nustoti rūkyti) - leave* off, ar drop, smóking• leave* off
• ar drop
• smóking
jiẽ ~jo susitikinė́ti
(jie nustojo susitikineti) - they don’t meet ány more• they don’t meet ány more
jì ~jo vartóti narkòtikus
(ji nustojo vartoti narkotikus) - she is, ar has come, off drugs• she is
• ar has come
• off drugs
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