tas angliškai
įvardis / pronoun
;(tiẽ, tõs) those
;(without n also) that one;
(šitas) this;
tà dienà
(ta diena) - that day• that day
taĩs mẽtais
(tais metais) - that year• that year
tiẽ bãtai spáudžia
(tie batai spaudžia) - these shoes are (too) tight• these shoes are (too) tight
àš prisìmenu tàs dienàs
(aš prisimenu tas dienas) - I remémber those days• I remémber those days
tám jaunuõliui gãlima pavydė́ti
(tam jaunuoliui galima pavydėti) - he is an énviable young man• he is an énviable young man
mẽs kalbė́jome apiẽ šį̃ beĩ tą̃
(mes kalbėjome apie šį bei tą) - we talked of this and that• we talked of this and that
nè tàs
(ne tas) - wrong• wrong
pasùkti nè į̃ tą̃ gãtvę
(pasukti ne į tą gatvę) - take* the wrong street• take* the wrong street
nuõ tõ laĩko
(nuo to laiko) - since that time, since then• since that time
• since then
tõ negãlima padarýti
(to negalima padaryti) - it can’t be done• it can’t be done
nè tõ àš norė́jau
(ne to aš norėjau) - that is not what I wánted / wished• that is not what I wánted / wished
tuõ metù
(tuo metu) - at that time• at that time
tuõ pačiù laikù
(tuo pačiu laiku) - at the same time• at the same time
tám tikrù laikù
(tam tikru laiku) - some time (or óther)• some time (or óther)
tàs ar̃ kìtas
(tas ar kitas) - éither• éither
neĩ tàs, neĩ kìtas
(nei tas, nei kitas) - néither• néither
tàs automobìlis daugókai naudója degalų̃
(tas automobilis daugokai naudoja degalų) - the car is ráther héavy on fúel; see section IV table 20• the car is ráther héavy on fúel
(tàs, kurìs...) the... (which)
;(apie asmenis) the one (who)...;
he who...;
tà, kurì...
(ta, kuri...) - she who...• she who...
tiẽ, kuriẽ tùri bìlietus
(tie, kurie turi bilietus) - those with tickets• those with tickets
tám, kàd...
(tam, kad...) - (so) that (+ subordinate clause);in órder (+ to inf), so as (+ to inf)• a) (so) that (+ subordinate clause)
• b) in órder (+ to inf)
• so as (+ to inf)
tojè pačiojè viẽtoje, kur̃...
(toje pačioje vietoje, kur...) - in the same place where...• in the same place where...
◊ tàs ir̃ yrà
(tas ir yra) - that is just the point• that is just the point
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