tavo angliškai
įvardis, savybinis (įvardis) / pronoun, possessive (pronoun)
your (+ n);
yours (without
t. pieštùkas
(tavo pieštukas) - your péncil• your péncil
šì vietà màno, õ anà t.
(ši vieta mano, o ana tavo) - this is my place, and that is yours• this is my place
• and that is yours
mán t. niẽko nereĩkia
(man tavo nieko nereikia) - I want nóthing that is yours, I don’t want ánything of yours; see section IV table 19 note 1• I want nóthing that is yours
• I don’t want ánything of yours
◊ t. patiẽs reĩkalas
(tavo paties reikalas) - that’s your próblem;(it is) your own búsiness• that’s your próblem
• (it is) your own búsiness
[...əun ˈbɪzn-]
◊ nè t. reĩkalas
(ne tavo reikalas) - it’s none of your búsiness• it’s none of your búsiness
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