tiek angliškai
prieveiksmis / adverb
(+ n) so / that / this much (before sg);
so mány (before pl);
t. laĩko
(tiek laiko) - so much time• so much time
t. knỹgų
(tiek knygų) - so mány books• so mány books
t., kiek...
(tiek, kiek...) - in so / as far as...• in so / as far as...
nè t., kiek praė̃jusį kar̃tą
(ne tiek, kiek praejusį kartą) - not so much / mány as last time• not so much / mány as last time
t. pàt, kiek...
(tiek pat, kiek...) - as much / mány as...; évery bit as• as much / mány as...
• évery bit as
dùkart t.
(dukart tiek) - twice as much / mány• twice as much / mány
kìta t., añtra t.
(kita tiek, antra tiek) - the same númber / quántity as befóre; as much / mány agáin• the same númber / quántity as befóre
• as much / mány agáin
t., kàd...
(tiek, kad...) - to such a degrée...• to such a degrée...
t., kiek gãlima
(tiek, kiek galima) - ìnsòfár as it is póssible• ìnsòfár as it is póssible
mán lìko kìta t. pérskaityti
(man liko kita tiek perskaityti) - I have as much agáin to read• I have as much agáin to read
mán lìko dár añtra t. nueĩti
(man liko dar antra tiek nueiti) - I have as far agáin to go• I have as far agáin to go
jìs nè t. pavar̃go, kiek išálko
(jis ne tiek pavargo, kiek išalko) - he is húngry ráther than tired, he is more húngry than tired• he is húngry ráther than tired
• he is more húngry than tired
taĩ nè t. svarbù
(tai ne tiek svarbu) - it is of no particular impórtance• it is of no particular impórtance
◊ t. tõ!
(tiek to!) - enóugh of that!; leave it at that!; let’s drop it!; skip it!• enóugh of that!
• leave it at that!
• let’s drop it!
• skip it!
◊ ir̃ t.
(ir tiek) - and that’s all (there’s to it)• and that’s all (there’s to it)
◊ t. jį̃ ir̃ temãtė
(tiek jį ir tematė) - he was gone in a flash, that was the last they saw of him• he was gone in a flash
• that was the last they saw of him
◊ jìs juõkiasi ir̃ t.
(jis juokiasi ir tiek) - all he does is (to) laugh• all he does is (to) laugh
◊ vìs t.
(vis tiek) - see II1see vìs
jungtukas / conjunction
(tiek..., tiek...)
- both... and...• both... and...
~ jaunì, ~ senì
(tiek jauni, tiek seni) - both young and old• both young and old
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Lietuvių anglų žodynas