atsitikti angliškai
atsitìkǁtiveiksmažodis / verb
come* abóut;
(apie nelaimę ir pan.) befáll* (smb)
~o taĩp, kàd...
(atsitiko taip, kad...) - it háppened / chanced that...• it háppened / chanced that...
kàs ~o?
(kas atsitiko?) - what has háppened?; what’s up?; what is amiss / wrong; what’s the mátter / tróuble?• what has háppened?
• what’s up?
• what is amiss / wrong
• what’s the mátter / tróuble?
ar̃ kas nórs ~o?
(ar kas nors atsitiko?) - is ánything the mátter?• is ánything the mátter?
taĩp visuomèt atsitiñka!
- that / it is álways the way!• that / it is álways the way!
kas nórs ~s
(kas nors atsitiks) - sómething will turn up• sómething will turn up
jám ~o neláimė
(jam atsitiko nelaimė) - he has had a mìsfórtune• he has had a mìsfórtune
kaĩp ~o, kàd...?
(kaip atsitiko, kad...?) - how did it come that...?• how did it come that...?
kàs beatsitìktų, àš táu padė́siu
- whàtéver háppens I shall help you• whàtéver háppens I shall help you
taĩ ~o jõ akysè
(tai atsitiko jo akyse) - it háppened únder his véry eyes• it háppened únder his véry eyes
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