daug angliškai

prieveiksmis / adverb
(+ sg n) much*;
plénty of;
a lot of;
(+ pl n) mány*;
plénty of;
a lot of;
d. laĩko
(daug laiko) - much*, ar plénty of, time
• much*
ar plénty of
• time
d. mẽtų
(daug metų) - mány* years
• mány* years
d. kar̃tų
(daug kartų) - mány* times; mányfòld;(dažnai) óften, mány a time, on repéated occásions
• a) mány* times
• mányfòld
• b) (dažnai) óften
• mány a time
• on repéated occásions
tiek d.
(tiek daug) - so much; so mány
• so much
• so mány
labaĩ d.
(labai daug) - véry much; véry mány
• véry much
• véry mány
d. žinóti
(daug žinoti) - know* a lot ar much*; know* a great deal
• know* a lot ar much*
• know* a great deal
d. geriaũ
(daug geriau) - much / far bétter; bétter by far
• much / far bétter
• bétter by far
d. kur̃
(daug kur) - in mány pláces
• in mány pláces
d. kàs
(daug kas) - mány
• mány
d. gẽriantis
(daug geriantis) - hárd-drìnking
• hárd-drìnking
d. gẽro
(daug gero) - a lot of good
• a lot of good
d. ką̃ išréikšti
(daug ką išreikšti) - speak* / tell* vólùmes
• speak* / tell* vólùmes
d. mãtęs
(daug matęs) - wèll-trávelled;(patyręs) séasoned
• a) wèll-trávelled
• b) (patyręs) séasoned
d. pastangų̃ reikaláujantis
(daug pastangų reikalaujantis) - labórious
• labórious
◊ d. žinósi, greĩt pasénsi
(daug žinosi, greit pasensi) - cùriósity killed the cat
• ≅ cùriósity killed the cat
◊ d. žãdantis žmogùs
(daug žadantis žmogus) - hópeful / cóming / prómissing man* / wóman* / pérson
• hópeful / cóming / prómissing man* / wóman* / pérson
◊ taĩ jau per d.
(tai jau per daug) - that is góing / cóming it a bit strong; that is the limit ar too much; that is strétching things too far
• that is góing / cóming it a bit strong
• that is the limit ar too much
• that is strétching things too far
see daugia-
(in compounds);
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