jam angliškai
įvardis, asmeninis (įvardis) / pronoun, personal (pronoun)
( of jìs) to him
masc dative sg
j. apgìnti
(jam apginti) - in his defénce• in his defénce
j. amžinaĩ nesìseka
(jam amžinai nesiseka) - he is a born lóser• he is a born lóser
j. apiẽ kẽturiasdešimt mẽtų
(jam apie keturiasdešimt metų) - he is near on fórty• he is near on fórty
j. bùvo lémta mir̃ti jaunám
(jam buvo lemta mirti jaunam) - he was fáted to die young• he was fáted to die young
j. ẽsant
(jam esant) - in his présence• in his présence
j. taĩ nebūdìnga
(jam tai nebūdinga) - it is ùnlike him• it is ùnlike him
j. bùs prastaĩ / riẽsta
(jam bus prastai / riesta) - it will go hard with him• it will go hard with him
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