joks angliškai
jókǁsįvardis, pažymimasis (įvardis) / pronoun, defining (pronoun)
no (whàtéver);
(used without noun) none (whàtéver) (kitas neiginys neverčiamas);
~ios kliū́tys negalė́jo jõ sustabdýti
(jokios kliūtys negalejo jo sustabdyti) - no óbstacles (whàtéver) could stop him• no óbstacles (whàtéver) could stop him
jì jokià màno draũgė
(ji jokia mano draugė) - she is no friend of mine• she is no friend of mine
~ia prasmè
(jokia prasme) - in no sense• in no sense
jokių̃ bèt
(jokių bet) - but me no buts• but me no buts
nėrà jokiõs abejõnės
(nėra jokios abejonės) - there is no doubt (abóut that ar as to); see section IV table 20 note 1• there is no doubt (abóut that ar as to)
◊ ~iu būdù / gerù
(jokiu būdu / geru) - by no means; in no way, in no shape (or form)• by no means
in no way
in no shape (or form)
◊ ~iu būdù!
(jokiu būdu!) - ábsolùtely not!, not on your life!• ábsolùtely not!
• not on your life!
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