nenorėti angliškai
nenorė́ǁtiveiksmažodis / verb
not want;
not wish;
not like;
be* loath (+ inf);
àš ~jau, kàd jìs eĩtų
(aš nenorejau, kad jis eitų) - I didn’t want him to go• I didn’t want him to go
niẽko taĩp n. kaĩp...
(nieko taip nenoreti kaip...) - wish / like nóthing bétter than...• wish / like nóthing bétter than...
jì niẽkam nenóri blõgo
- she wishes nóbody ill• she wishes nóbody ill
àš nenóriu jū́sų trukdýti
- I don’t like / wish to distúrb you• I don’t like / wish to distúrb you
jìs ~jo jõs įžeĩsti
(jis nenorejo jos įžeisti) - he didn’t mean to hurt her• he didn’t mean to hurt her
jìs apiẽ taĩ ir̃ girdė́ti nenóri
- he won’t hear of it• he won’t hear of it
àš nenóriu jõ matýti akysè
- I hate the sight of him• I hate the sight of him
ar̃ ~tumėte apelsìnų sùlčių?
(ar nenoretumėte apelsinų sulčių?) - would you like, ar care for, some órange juice?• would you like
• ar care for
• some órange juice?
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