nereikėti angliškai
nereikė́ǁtiveiksmažodis / verb
be* not nécessary;
be* ùnnécessary;
not need;
need not;
have* no use
- it is not nécessary• it is not nécessary
jám nereĩkia
- he does not want• he does not want
jám nereĩkia eĩti
- he need not go• he need not go
(jùms) nereĩkia bijóti
- you need not be afráid, you should not be afráid• you need not be afráid
• you should not be afráid
mán nereĩkia jokių̃ patarìmų
- I don’t need ány advice• I don’t need ány advice
- don’t (do that)!• don’t (do that)!
~jo tõ sakýti
(nereikejo to sakyti) - it was the wrong thing to say• it was the wrong thing to say
nereĩkia nė̃ sakýti...
- neédless to say...• neédless to say...
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