pakakti angliškai
pakàkǁtiveiksmažodis / verb
be* sufficient / enóugh
šiõs sumõs ~s keliõnei
(šios sumos pakaks kelionei) - this sum is sufficient for the jóurney• this sum is sufficient for the jóurney
mùms vìsko pakañka
- we have enóugh of éverything• we have enóugh of éverything
pakañka pasakýti, kàd...
- suffice it to say that...• suffice it to say that...
tõ pakãko, kàd...
- no more was required (+ to inf); that sufficed (+ to inf)• no more was required (+ to inf)
• that sufficed (+ to inf)
jám pakãko laĩko
- (+ inf) he had time enóugh (+ to inf)• (+ inf) he had time enóugh (+ to inf)
be* enóugh;
mán ~s
(man pakaks) - that will do for me, that’s enóugh for me• that will do for me
• that’s enóugh for me
jám tõ ~s mė́nesiui
(jam to pakaks menesiui) - it will last him for a month• it will last him for a month
~s (kalbė́ti) apiẽ taĩ
(pakaks (kalbeti) apie tai) - so much for that• so much for that
~s!, pakañka!
(pakaks!, pakanka!) - that will do!; (aišku) say no more!; (nustokite) enóugh (of that)!• that will do!
• (aišku) say no more!
• (nustokite) enóugh (of that)!
see also nepakàkti
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