pasirodyti angliškai
pasiródǁytiveiksmažodis / verb
make* one’s appéarance;
show* ònesélf;
(paviršiuje) emérge;
(staigiai) burst* into view;
(apie laivą horizonte) heave* into sight / view
p. ìš ùž kálno
(pasirodyti iš už kalno) - appéar from behind the móuntain• appéar from behind the móuntain
p. kaip tìk laikù
(pasirodyti kaip tik laiku) - appéar, ar show* up, in the nick of time; put* in a timely appéarance• appéar
• ar show* up
• in the nick of time
• put* in a timely appéarance
p. spaudojè
(pasirodyti spaudoje) - appéar in print, come* out; get* into print• appéar in print
• come* out
• get* into print
pagaliaũ ~ė krañtas
(pagaliau pasirodė krantas) - the shore came in sight at last• the shore came in sight at last
jìs bìjo p. táu akysè
(jis bijo pasirodyti tau akyse) - he is afráid to show himsélf to you• he is afráid to show himsélf to you
ãšaros ~ė jõ akysè
(ašaros pasirodė jo akyse) - the tears came / stárted to his eyes• the tears came / stárted to his eyes
(paaiškėti) prove (to be)
;turn out to be;
jìs ~ė esą̃s labaĩ malonùs žmogùs
(jis pasirodė esąs labai malonus žmogus) - he turned out, ar próved, to be a véry nice man*• he turned out
• ar próved
• to be a véry nice man*
~o, kàd...
(pasirodo, kad...) - it appéars that...• it appéars that...
kaĩp ~ė (vėliaũ)
(kaip pasirodė (vėliau)) - as it / things turned out (láter)• as it / things turned out (láter)
~o, palikaũ knỹgą namiẽ
(pasirodo, palikau knygą namie) - as it háppens I’ve left the book at home• as it háppens I’ve left the book at home
p. scènoje
(pasirodyti scenoje) - appéar on the stage; act• appéar on the stage
• act
po tõ ~ė Jonáitis
(po to pasirodė Jonaitis) - the next perfórmer was Jonáitis• the next perfórmer was Jonáitis
prastaĩ p.
(prastai pasirodyti) - make* an èxhibition of ònesélf; cut* a sórry figure• make* an èxhibition of ònesélf
• cut* a sórry figure
(pasivaidenti, pasimatyti) seem (to);
appéar (to);
jám ~ė, kàd...
(jam pasirodė, kad...) - he fáncied (that)..., it seemed to him that...• he fáncied (that)...
• it seemed to him that...
táu tìk taĩp ~ė
(tau tik taip pasirodė) - it was ónly your imàginátion• it was ónly your imàginátion
mán ~ė
(man pasirodė) - I seemed to see / hear• I seemed to see / hear
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