priderėti angliškai
priderė́ǁtiveiksmažodis / verb
(kam) becóme* (smb);
(be)fit (smb);
be* próper
kaĩp prìdera
(kaip pridera) - as it is fitting; as befits (smb)• as it is fitting
• as befits (smb)
neprìdera taĩp el̃gtis
(nepridera taip elgtis) - it is not fitting to beháve like that; you shóuldn’t do that• it is not fitting to beháve like that
• you shóuldn’t do that
čià neprìdera rūkýti
(čia nepridera rūkyti) - you are not suppósed to smoke here• you are not suppósed to smoke here
taĩp prìdera
(taip pridera) - it is the cústom• it is the cústom
kam) belóng (to);
(nuo) depénd (on);
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