prireikti angliškai
prireĩkǁtiveiksmažodis / verb
jám [jiems ir pan.] gãli tõ p.
(jam [jiems ir pan.] gali to prireikti ) - he [they, etc] may need it / may be in need of it / may have need of it• he [they, etc] may need it ar may be in need of it ar may have need of it
jám tõs knỹgos neprìreikė
(jam tos knygos neprireikė) - he did not need this book, he had no need of this book, he was not in need of this book• he did not need this book
• he had no need of this book
• he was not in need of this book
(prireikus) - in case of need• in case of need
p. kám
(prireikti kam) - stand* smb in good stead • stand* smb in good stead
jéi ~s
(jei prireiks) - if nécessary• if nécessary
jái prìreikė trijų̃ gerų̃ valandų̃
(jai prireikė trijų gerų valandų) - it took her three good hóurs, • it took her three good hóurs
• it took her fúll three hóurs
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