privalėti angliškai
privalǁė́tiveiksmažodis / verb
(+ inf) must (+ inf);
ought (+ to inf);
have* (+ to inf);
p. ką̃ darýti
(privaleti ką daryti) - be* obliged / bound / suppósed to do smth• be* obliged / bound / suppósed to do smth
p. atlìkti karìnę tarnýbą
(privaleti atlikti karinę tarnybą) - be* liable for military sérvice• be* liable for military sérvice
tù ~aĩ baĩgti tą̃ dárbą
(tu privalai baigti tą darbą) - you must finish this work• you must finish this work
jū̃s neprivãlote taĩp darýti
- you mustn’t do so• you mustn’t do so
jū̃s privãlote atlìkti pãreigą
- you ought to do your dúty• you ought to do your dúty
mẽs privãlome bū́ti ištikimì sàvo šãliai
- we owe lóyalty to our cóuntry• we owe lóyalty to our cóuntry
(ko) need (smth);
be* in need (of);
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