ramus angliškai
ramǁùsbūdvardis / adjective
(įv. reikš.) calm
(išlaikantis pusiausvyrą) compósed;
;(taikus) péaceful;
r. bal̃sas [óras]
(ramus balsas [oras]) - calm voice• calm voice [wéather]
~ì jū́ra
(rami jūra) - calm sea• calm sea
r. vaĩkas
(ramus vaikas) - quiet child*• quiet child*
r. gyvẽnimas
(ramus gyvenimas) - péaceful / quiet / ùnevéntful / plácid life*; life* of ease• péaceful / quiet / ùnevéntful / plácid life*
• life* of ease
~ì atmosferà
(rami atmosfera) - tránquil átmosphere• tránquil átmosphere
~ià są́žine
(ramia sąžine) - with a clear cónscience• with a clear cónscience
lìkti ~iám
(likti ramiam) - stay qúiet / calm; have* / keep* a lével / cool head• stay qúiet / calm
• have* / keep* a lével / cool head
nepaprastaĩ r.
(nepaprastai ramus) - ròck-stéady• ròck-stéady
bū́kit r.!
(būkit ramus!) - don’t wórry!• don’t wórry!
àš dė̃l jõ r.
(aš del jo ramus) - I have no féars for him, my mind is quite at ease abóut him• I have no féars for him
• my mind is quite at ease abóut him
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