tekti angliškai
tèkǁtiveiksmažodis / verb
(kliūti) fall* (to, on);
jám tẽko garbė̃
- the hónour fell on / to him, he had the hónour• the hónour fell on / to him
• he had the hónour
jám tẽko láimė
- he had the good fórtune, it was his fórtune• he had the good fórtune
• it was his fórtune
atsakomýbė ùž taĩ teñka jám
- the respònsibility for this falls on him• the respònsibility for this falls on him
mán ~davo sù jaĩs susitìkti
(man tekdavo su jais susitikti) - I have met them on occásions• I have met them on occásions
(kliūti į dalį) fall* to (smb’s) lot / share;
taĩ tẽko jám
- it fell to his lot• it fell to his lot
jám [jiems ir pan.] tẽko
- (lošiant) he won;(dalijantis ir) he recéived; (pagal palikimą) he inhérited• a) (lošiant) he [they, etc] won
• b) (dalijantis ir pan.) he [they, etc] recéived
• (pagal palikimą) he [they, etc] inhérited
(gauti barti, mušti)
jám [jiems ir pan.] tẽko
- (gauti barti, mušti): ir he caught / got it• he [they, etc] caught / got it
jám [jiems ir pan.] ~s ùž taĩ
(jam [jiems ] teks už tai) - he’ll catch it; he will be dealt with for it• he’ll [they‘ll, etc] catch it
• he [they, etc] will be dealt with for it
(reikėti ką daryti)
mán [jám ir pan.] tẽko
- (reikėti ką daryti): ir (+ inf) I had (+ to inf)• (+ inf) I [he, etc] had (+ to inf)
jám teñka
- (+ inf) he has (+ to inf)• (+ inf) he has (+ to inf)
mán tẽko taĩ padarýti
- I had to do it• I had to do it
jám ~s paláukti
(jam teks palaukti) - he’ll have to wait• he’ll have to wait
t. kám nemalonì pareigà
(tekti kam nemaloni pareiga) - draw* / get* the short straw• draw* / get* the short straw
Lietuvių anglų žodynas