toks angliškai
tókǁsįvardis / pronoun
;so (only before a);
t. žmogùs
(toks žmogus) - such a man, a man* such as that, a man* like that / him• such a man
• a man* such as that
• a man* like that / him
~ios knỹgos (kaĩp)
(tokios knygos (kaip)) - such books (as these), books such as these, books of this kind• such books (as these)
• books such as these
• books of this kind
t. sunkùs uždavinỹs
(toks sunkus uždavinys) - such a difficult task, so difficult a task• such a difficult task
• so difficult a task
tokiẽ fãktai
(tokie faktai) - such facts• such facts
visì jiẽ tokiẽ
(visi jie tokie) - they are all the same• they are all the same
~ios gìlios miñtys
(tokios gilios mintys) - thoughts so profóund• thoughts so profóund
t. pàt (kaĩp)
(toks pat (kaip)) - the same (as)• the same (as)
bevéik ~iu pàt būdù
(beveik tokiu pat būdu) - in much the same way• in much the same way
t. pàt dìdelis kaĩp...
(toks pat didelis kaip...) - as big as...• as big as...
lýgiai t. pàt
(lygiai toks pat) - just the same, the véry same• just the same
• the véry same
jū̃s vìs t. pàt
(jūs vis toks pat) - you are álways the same, you háven’t changed; you are your old self• you are álways the same
• you háven’t changed
• you are your old self
t., kóks bùvo anksčiaũ
(toks, koks buvo anksčiau) - one’s / its fórmer self• one’s / its fórmer self
taĩ t. malonùmas!
(tai toks malonumas!) - it is such a pléasure / treat!• it is such a pléasure / treat!
jìs t. protìngas!
(jis toks protingas!) - he is such a cléver man*, he is so cléver• he is such a cléver man*
• he is so cléver
jìs t. bejė̃gis
(jis toks bejegis) - he has no gúmption• he has no gúmption
~io didùmo
(tokio didumo) - (rodant) this big• (rodant) this big
~iu láipsniu
(tokiu laipsniu) - to such an extént, to such a degrée• to such an extént
• to such a degrée
t. kaĩp / kóks
(toks kaip / koks) - such as• such as
nè t. kaĩp...
(ne toks kaip...) - ùnlike...• ùnlike...
nè t. áukštas
(ne toks aukštas) - not that tall• not that tall
tokiẽ dalỹkai
(tokie dalykai) - things of this náture; there it is• things of this náture
• there it is
tokiẽ kaĩp jìs
(tokie kaip jis) - the likes of him• the likes of him
(kažkoks) one;
t. Petráitis
(toks Petraitis) - one Petráitis• one Petráitis
kàs jiẽ tokiẽ?
(kas jie tokie?) - who are they?• who are they?
◊ t. ~į pažìno (ir̃ į̃ svečiùs pavadìno)
(toks tokį pažino (ir į svečius pavadino)) - birds of a féather (flock togéther)• ≅ birds of a féather (flock togéther)
◊ kàs čià ~io?
(kas čia tokio?) - what of it?; what is there so wónderful abóut it?• what of it?
• what is there so wónderful abóut it?
◊ t. ir̃ t.
(toks ir toks) - só-and-sò; (before n) súch-and-sùch• só-and-sò
• (before n) súch-and-sùch
◊ ~ią ir̃ ~ią vãlandą
(tokią ir tokią valandą) - at súch-and-sùch an hóur• at súch-and-sùch an hóur
◊ (taĩ) ~ios tokẽlės
((tai) tokios tokelės) - that’s how mátters stand• that’s how mátters stand
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