toli angliškai
prieveiksmis / adverb
far* (awáy / off);
(apie atstumą t. p.) a long way;
in the distance;
(nuo ko) far* (from);
remóte (from);
a great distance awáy
ìš t.
(iš toli) - from far (awáy), from afár; from a distance• from far (awáy)
• from afár
• from a distance
t. miškè
(toli miške) - deep in the fórest• deep in the fórest
t. priekyje [ùžpakalyje]
(toli priekyje [užpakalyje]) - way ahéad• way ahéad
[behind]t. vienas nuõ kìto
(toli vienas nuo kito) - wide apárt• wide apárt
jìs gyvẽna t.
(jis gyvena toli) - he lives a long way off / awáy• he lives a long way off / awáy
jìs t. išvažiãvo
(jis toli išvažiavo) - he has gone awáy (on a long jóurney), he’s gone far awáy• he has gone awáy (on a long jóurney)
• he’s gone far awáy
t. nuõ namų̃
(toli nuo namų) - awáy from home• awáy from home
ikì namų̃ dár t.
(iki namų dar toli) - it’s still far to home, home is still a long way off• it’s still far to home
• home is still a long way off
màno gimtãdienis dár t.
(mano gimtadienis dar toli) - my birthday is still some way off• my birthday is still some way off
t. siekiantys tikslaĩ
(toli siekiantys tikslai) - fár-rèaching aims• fár-rèaching aims
jìs t. eĩs
(jis toli eis) - he will go far (ir prk.); see also I 1;see also toliaũ, toliáusiai
• he will go far (ir prk.)
◊ t. gražù nè...
(toli gražu ne...) - far from (béing)...; by no means; nówhère near; not by a long shot / chalk• far from (béing)...
• by no means
• nówhère near
• not by a long shot / chalk
◊ jìs t. gražù nekvaĩlas
(jis toli gražu nekvailas) - he is far from béing a fool• he is far from béing a fool
◊ jìs t. gražù nelýgus jái, jám t. lìgi jõs
(jis toli gražu nelygus jai, jam toli ligi jos) - he is much inférior to her; he is not a patch on her• he is much inférior to her
• he is not a patch on her
◊ taĩ t. gražù neáišku
(tai toli gražu neaišku) - it’s ànything but clear• it’s ànything but clear
◊ jì t. gražù nejaunà
(ji toli gražu nejauna) - she is no spring chicken• she is no spring chicken
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