turbūt angliškai

įterptinis / parenthetical
véry / most likely;
ought (+ to inf);
must (+ inf);
(apie praeities veiksmą) must (+ perfect inf);
jìs t. namiẽ
(jis turbūt namie) - he is próbably at home, he ought to be at home, he must / should be at home
• he is próbably at home
• he ought to be at home
• he must / should be at home
jìs t. ateĩs
(jis turbūt ateis) - he will próbably, ar is likely to, come
• he will próbably
ar is likely to
• come
rýt t. bùs gražì dienà
(ryt turbūt bus graži diena) - it ought to be a fine day tomórròw
• it ought to be a fine day tomórròw
jū̃s t. žìnote
(jūs turbūt žinote) - you próbably know
• you próbably know
jū̃s t. jį̃ mãtėte [pažinójote]
(jūs turbūt jį matėte [pažinojote]) - you must have seen him; you próbably saw him
• you must have seen [known] him
• you próbably saw [knew] him
jìs t. išvỹko
(jis turbūt išvyko) - he must have gone
• he must have gone
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