reikalai angliškai
reikalǁaĩdaiktavardis, daugiskaitinis, daugiskaita / noun, plural
(padėtis, dalykai) things;
r. gerė́ja
(reikalai gereja) - things are impróving, things are on the mend• things are impróving
• things are on the mend
kaĩp r.?
(kaip reikalai?) - how are things?; how do mátters stand?• how are things?
• how do mátters stand?
kaĩp jõ r.?
(kaip jo reikalai?) - how is he gétting on?• how is he gétting on?
tokiẽ r.
(tokie reikalai) - so that’s how it is• so that’s how it is
r. šiaip sáu
(reikalai šiaip sau) - things are all ányhòw• things are all ányhòw
jìs tùri daũg ~ų̃
(jis turi daug reikalų) - he has a lot of things to do• he has a lot of things to do
širdiẽs ~aĩ
(širdies reikalai) - affáirs of the heartsee also reĩkalas :1
• affáirs of the heart
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