tiesa angliškai
tiesǁàdaiktavardis / noun
skaudì / kartì t.
(skaudi / karti tiesa) - the home / bitter truth• the home / bitter truth
grynà [nepagrãžinta] t.
(gryna [nepagražinta] tiesa) - náked / simple truth• náked / simple [ùnvárnished] truth
nuválkiota t.
(nuvalkiota tiesa) - trúism• trúism
taĩ t.
(tai tiesa) - it is true• it is true
tàvo / jū́sų t.
(tavo / jūsų tiesa) - you are right; right you are!, right oh!• you are right
• right you are!
• right oh!
jõ žõdžiuose daũg ~õs
(jo žodžiuose daug tiesos) - there is a great deal of truth in what he says• there is a great deal of truth in what he says
panašùmas į̃ tiẽsą
- vèrisimilitùde• vèrisimilitùde
taĩ panašù į̃ tiẽsą
- it has a ring of truth abóut it• it has a ring of truth abóut it
pasakýti vìsą tiẽsą
- speak* the whole truth• speak* the whole truth
sakýti kám tiẽsą į̃ akìs
- be* plain with smb• be* plain with smb
pasakýti grýną tiẽsą
- tell* the truth and shame the dévil• tell* the truth and shame the dévil
mókslo tiẽsos
- the truths of science• the truths of science
abejóti, ar̃ taĩ t.
(abejoti, ar tai tiesa) - quéstion the truth• quéstion the truth
pasiruõšęs išklausýti tiẽsą
- ripe to hear the truth• ripe to hear the truth
prisikàsti ikì ~õs
(prisikasti iki tiesos) - get* at the truth• get* at the truth
pusiáu t.
(pusiau tiesa) - hálf-trùth• hálf-trùth
◊ tiẽsą sãkant
- a) to tell you the truth, the truth is; b) (pateisinant ką) in fáirness, out of all fáirness; áctually, as a mátter of facta) to tell you the truth
the truth is
b) (pateisinant ką) in fáirness
out of all fáirness
as a mátter of fact
◊ ìš ~ų̃
(iš tiesų) - réally, indéed, in truth; you said it!, you can say that agáin!réally
in truth
you said it!
you can say that agáin!
◊ šaũkti / tráukti ~õn
(šaukti / traukti tieson) - call (smb) to accóunt (for); bring* (smb) to trial• call (smb) to accóunt (for)
• bring* (smb) to trial
◊ t. akìs svìlina
(tiesa akis svilina) - home truths are úsually impálatable• home truths are úsually impálatable
◊ nė̃ trupinė̃lio ~õs
(ne trupinelio tiesos) - not a grain of truth• not a grain of truth
įterptinis / parenthetical
jìs, t., nežinójo, kàd àš čià
(jis, tiesa, nežinojo, kad aš čia) - true, he did not know I was here• true
• he did not know I was here
t., jìs čià retaĩ bū̃na
(tiesa, jis čia retai būna) - true, he is rárely here• true
• he is rárely here
(klausiant) really?;
is that so?;
taĩ tù studeñtas, t.?
(tai tu studentas, tiesa?) - so you’re a stúdent, is that right?• so you’re a stúdent
• is that right?
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